Sunday, March 23, 2008


"Christ has now done everything necessary for salvation. Nothing now stands between the sinner and God but the sinner's good works. Nothing can keep us from Christ but our own delusion that we don't need Him, and that our good works and good enoughness can actually satisfy God. All we need is need. All we must have is nothing. All that is required is acknowledging our own sinfulness, but alas, we sinners cannot part with our sense of our own virtues which we think more than compensates for our weaknesses......Therefore the need for Grace becomes unnecessary. The real Grace of God we spurn in order to hold on to the illusory virtues of our own. Our eyes are fixed on a mirage, on our own sufficiency. We will not drink the real water of Grace. We die of thirst in the midst of an ocean of Grace."

---John Gerstner

Lon Solomon's Easter sermon, God's offer of a new life.

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