Sunday, February 3, 2008

Sunday, Some Astounding Images From One Year Bible Blog


The first thing I do early each morning
is click on the sidebar here to One Year Bible blog, a daily Bible study that covers the entire Bible in one year with commentary and dazzling images. Every day there are readings from the Old Testament, the New, a Psalm and a Proverb. I cannot recommend it highly enough. The Bible is the most fascinating book on earth, in my opinion. And yes, I believe it is the inerrant Word of God.

This past week we've been studying the Exodus from Egypt of over 2 million Jews, led by Moses. Some of the images that Mike has featured simply astound me to look at and imagine. So I wanted to share several of them here with you today.

Above, the parting of the Red Sea so that the Jews could pass through unharmed on dry land! It was mostly at night that they traveled acorss. Then of course, the Egyptians came in hot pursuit and met their untimely demise when the sea closed in on them in the early hours of the morning. But the image above is amazing.
The Jews were guided by a pillar of fire during the night and a cloud during the day. What a way to travel. This image, above, especially piqued my interest.

The gathering of manna each day for the millions of Jews on this journey. God kept them alive in the midst of inhospitable environments for forty years this way! And there was always plenty each new day.

If you are so called to deepen your study of the Bible, I cannot recommend more highly One Year Bible blog.

It is truly a bessing in my life.


  1. It's great!!! I found here at your blog and have enjoyed it very much.

  2. Weather. God used it in the past, and He is using it today. I am (still) reading 1776. God, I believe, intervened with weather in Boston and New York that year.

  3. Bob, that's so fascinating! Hadn't thought of that in 1776. But I believe God uses weather and climate for His purposes and changes and glory. Always has and will to the great end.

  4. Hey are you a professional journalist? This article is very well written, as compared to most other blogs i saw today….
    anyhow thanks for the good read!
