Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sunday Quotes and Commentary With Bob Deffinbaugh and Tim Keller

"It is impossible for a human heart, without crosses and tribulations, to think upon God."

---Martin Luther (1483-1546)



Two paths for every man: or the difference between religion and an authentic relationship with Jesus Christ. Bob Deffinbaugh, the author who writes this commentary, is the real thing. Well worth a read, in my opinion.

Have posted this Tim Keller video (my favorite) several times before and will undoubtedly again. The main point being that Keller distinguishes again the difference between atheists, religious rule keepers and those who have a true relationship with Jesus Christ. Here Keller underscores the crucial fact that they are not one and the same, as does C.S. Lewis in many of his writings. This is a distinction that we ignore at our great peril.

Christ came to destroy religion, a truth symbolized when the veil in the Temple was rent from top to bottom at the time of His crucifiction. This was meant to convey the futility of a Pharisee-ic religion and focus on an authentic personal journey and relationship (with each of us now having direct access to Christ through the Scriptures and prayer) in which Christ with the Holy Spirit transforms a person's heart and life over time into the likeness of Christ. We often, sadly mistake what that should and does look like. Attending church can be fine, but does not necessarily mean a person is in a personal relationship with Christ.

1 comment:

  1. Joshua Stevenson

    I am reading Tim Keller's "Ministry of Mercy" right now. I love him.
