Thursday, November 1, 2007

Thursday, Hand Writing on the Wall

Ugh. On the other hand, heh.

She's probably unbeatable, unstoppable, short of an act of God from on High, or some mega-indiscration on Bill's part from below. But I wouldn't count on it. Another thing that could happen is Hillary fatigue: by the time the election rolls around, we are so exhausted with the Clintons that we vote for any apparent breath of fresh air. But I doubt that also. Hillary and Bill are our national obsession and distraction, like Princess Diana was for England. The facts should never get in the way of a good story.

And with the Clintons we get two-for-the-price-of-one plus a dollar!

She will win because far too many people want that Climatic Moment of Victory and Relief on the podium where power flows away from those evil Bushs, back into the hands of the people's good Clintons.

But from that high HIGH MOMENT in January 2009, it'll be downhill all the way.

For previews, see Nancy Pelosi, circa 2007.


  1. Couldn't have said it better. Should be a fun ride.

  2. what is it with the clinton thing?

    "far too many people want that Climatic Moment of Victory and Relief on the podium where power flows away from those evil Bushs, back into the hands of the people's good Clinton"

    my only explanation is that the old cliche about some liberals being "usefull idiots" is true...

    there are the puppeteers: Kerry, Clintons, Gore and Edwards (along with most media and hollywood) and the puppets: union members, government workers and cradle to grave welfare recipients

    is there any way to break that cycle?

  3. Rudy Giuliani would tear her to shreds.

  4. Oh Bob,I hope,, I pray, I wish that you're right on this! Keep talking....
