Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Writing Today At Pajamas Media

It's always fun to write for Pajamas Media, and doing this piece is no exception.

Meeting Ari Fleischer recently here in Nashville, along with this new and growing block of Jewish Republican voters moving from left to center and right of center, is truly heartening.

Without a doubt, this was the most fun and vibrant political event I've ever attended and I want to thank my friend and fellow conservative Mike Jones for getting me there. I was a doubter before I attended, but now all I can say is:

"Shalom, Ya'll.

Thanks also to all the terrific editors at Pajamas Media----from LA and Hollywood to Barcelona and Tel Aviv--- for the great job they're doing with writer/bloggers like me, and for the global conservative network they're providing at this most important time in our history.

Is it just me, or is the world axis starting to tilt right?

Thanks to founder, Senior Editor and CEO Roger L. Simon, and his astute editor/writers/bloggers Aaron Hanscom, Jose Guardia, and Allison Kaplan Sommer, just to name a few, literally all around the world. I'm honored to be a new member of your network.

And thanks also to Gerard for giving me my first chance at writing for Pajamas



  1. Fleischer currently serves as a board member of the White House front group Freedom’s Watch. Recently, he callously told a dead soldier’s mom that “there are going to be a lot more mothers” like you, and admitted he did not know the name of a wounded veteran who appeared in his own organization’s ad.

  2. Web,
    A great article on Pajama's Media. I just read the entire thing. I've always like Ari's persona. I'm thrilled you were able to meet him! I loved the R.E. account! Thanks for sharing this.
