Monday, October 8, 2007

Rhinebeck: Blogging Homemade Pies, Hiking Trails, Barns and Antique Aeroplanes

I've rarely meet a hiking trail I didn't like. Here we're hiking---2E and me---in the Berkshires, on the New York/ Massachusetts state line, a little east of Rhinebeck Wonderful day, wonderful hiking! We also did a terrific hike in the Catskills, on the west side of the Hudson Valley.
For someone who's never hiked until the past couple of years, after bailing out of the rat race in NYC, 2E is becoming a world class walker. A new chapter has started for we've just got to teach her how to boil water.....

Fresh warm homemade pumpkin pies, right out of the oven at a roadside stand outside Rhinebeck, NY. This is one of the only desserts I ever eat and only one, and only in the fall. It it's a great autumn treat, with plain yogurt, ice cream or whipping cream.

Thanks, Carrie, for the terrific visit, hiking and barn tour, among many other things. You're a fine hostess, and turning into a real hiker. It's fun watching you re-invent yourself from media mogul to outdoor woman.

Hot apple pies fresh out of the oven. Be still my beating heart. I can always justify it if I've been on the trail all day.

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