Thursday, October 18, 2007

Emergency Landing: Ever Wonder What You'd Do In A Car, In This Situation?

Think I'd yield the right-of-way as soon as possible if I were meandering down this dirt road in a car. The bigger the plane, the faster the approach, the quicker I'd hop-to-it if I were on the ground! Suppose he ran out of gas, or what?

And what if you saw THIS coming towards you in a car?

Because it's raining here in Middle Tennessee early this morning, I was looking for a rain video, but instead happened upon these videos and was transfixed!

All I can say, is all's well that ends well.


  1. The rain was well needed. That's the first time that I can recall hearing rain early in the morning as I woke up. I even heard something about a hundred year drought this week!

  2. Yes, drought of any kind makes us appreciate what we may have taken for granted. And I see where Atlanta may be getting some rain this week too.
