Sunday, August 26, 2007

Sunday, It's Good To Be Back

This past week has been challenging to say the least. At the moment I'm not inclined to talk a lot about it, except to say last Wednesday morning, I lost access to my blog, Webutante, and any and all ability to write, edit and publish posts and comments there, maybe forever. I thank God for some good help from computer geniuses here in getting this new site up and running so quickly.

One day I hope I can look back and laugh at myself and the stupid hook I took last week from a phisherman. But right now I'm still irked with myself and the kinds of people who have nothing better to do in life than to make trouble for others, just for the fun of it.

Below, Tim Keller, senior pastor at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City and a man I admire greatly, talks briefly about three ways to living life in a postmodern culture:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What happened? I can still see your old blog...