Thursday, August 30, 2007

Recent Pieces for Pajamas Media

As I go about the tedious job of setting up this new blogsite--same name as before but with a different URL---after losing all access to my first, I want to bring a few things over that I did in the past. While you may certainly still go to the old blogsite, Webutante, I can no longer get in there to publish anything, including comments. That means if you comment over there, it will never get published.

But you may certainly comment here at Webutante, the sequel. Thoughtful comments from all sides of the spectrum are always welcome. I know it will take a while for many of my old readers to find me at this new address, but I'm happy to be back up and running nonetheless.

FYI, here are two pieces I had the pleasure and privilege of writing this year for PajamasMedia:

First, the piece I did in June on Al Gore.

Then the piece I did last week on Fred Thompson.

I appreciate the chance that both Roger Simon, founder-in-chief of Pajamas/ blogger, and Gerard Van der Leun, erstwhile editor-in-chief/ blogger, gave me after I got off the river, out of the woods and onto the wilderness of the Web.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the links. I read both articles. You did an absolutely superb job of covering both events. The way you see Al Gore is exactly the way I see him. It absolutely amazes me how many Gore/Edwards bumper stickers I still see in Colorado. Almost always on Subarus with ski/kayak racks on top.

    Thompson seems very plain-spoken and secure in his beliefs, comfortable in his own skin. More than any other candidate, he reminds me of Ronald Reagan.

    Once again, congratulations on doing a fabulous job covering both events!
