Thursday, January 10, 2013

Ennui, Dreary Weather Begs For Humor, Poetry


I ADMIT THESE EARLY, DREAY DAYS OF JANUARY coupled with gray skies and recovery from a cold have left me in a strange state of unenthusiasm for much of anything pertaining to politics, economics, guns, royal pregnancies, glamor, beach fashion or anything else that's at the top of the current news scroll.  I'm in a major down time.

It will surely pass. Meantime, I'm the queen of dull.

 Think I've laughed out loud only twice in the past week---the above video which I saw on Ann Althouse being one of them. What that says about the state of my intellectual curiosity or attention span is not good. However, this is the only thing I feel like posting today and hope you also find this bit of ridiculous prankster humor sorta fun too. *******

Last year, at the beginning of 2012, I vowed to spend less time online and more time in real life. I actually succeeded in doing this and it wasn't that hard. This year, I intend to build on that and spend even more time offline. Sure with smartphones being a click away is always a temptation. But when you have other things you value and love, it's possible. I mean how much time do you really want to spend checking the Drudge Report which is getting more and more tabloid and emotionally crazy-making? Not me.

 More and more,  I'm starting to go to Yahoo and Google News for a quick look and then to some of my favorite more in-depth sites with commentary. It gets easier to stay away the more one practices. Today, Marks Daily Apple has a piece on reclaiming your life: 13 Ways To Spend Less Time Online and Reclaim Your Life. I intend to take many of these suggestions to heart and put them into practice.

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